Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bathtub Safety

Err okay, so the next article my mom sends is titled "Bathtub Safety". It's mostly funny because when I was little (maybe 5 years old) my mom wrote a set of "Bathtub Rules" in my diary.

The second heading of the article is "Adults are also at risk". LOL.

The rest of it isn't as funny (it talks about slipping and how installing a shower seat and appropriate hand rail might be good).

How to Survive if You Are Stranded on an Iceberg

So... My mom has this funny habit of sending me amusing articles in the mail. Here is the latest one:

How to Survive if You Are Stranded on an Iceberg
1. Construct a Shelter.
For protection from the harsh climate, you must build a snow shelter immediately. Your iceberg should have plentiful amounts of snow, so construct either a snow cave (make a huge pile of snow, hollow it out, and crawl inside) or a snow trench (dig a deep channel in the snow, cover the top by stacking snow blocks or improvising a tarp out of material on hand, and crawling in). A snow trench requires less energy and time to construct, but will limit your range of movement and should only be used if you expect quick rescue.

2. Melt snow and ice to make water.
Place snow in a container and melt over a flame to create drinkable water. If snow is not available, scrape shavings from the topmost layer of ice. Though sea ice contains salt, over time the salt leeches from the ice due to surface melt, and the water from the top ice should be safe for drinking.

3. Cross icebergs to get closer to land.
Wind and ocean currents will keep icebergs in motion, often causing them to crash into one another. Step onto a new iceberg if it will bring you closer to a land mass. Use caution when crossing; the edges may be very slick, and the ice may be thin and prone to cracking or collapse. Do not jump onto a new iceberg. Test the strength of the ice by pressing lightly with a foot, then adding pressure slowly until you are certain it can support your weight.

4. Catch fish and seabirds.
Fashion a fishing rod with anything available (harpoon, spear, ski pole, or walking stick) and use it for fishing. Seabirds congregate on icebergs, and may be killed with ice balls.

After that, there's a picture of a dude stretched out that says, "Do not try to reach across icebergs".

5. Look for seals.
Seals eat fish, and you may be able to scare one away from a fresh catch. As a last resort, if you're likely to be rescued for a while and can't cross onto another iceberg, and only if your life is at risk, consider killing a seal. Seals can serve as both food and a source of fuel. Unless there is a surface melt, without a fuel source you will unable to melt snow and ice for drinking water and you will quickly die of dehydration. (Avoid sucking on ice: it will lead to hypothermia). Seals will occasionally jump on drifting icebergs to escape predators and may pop up through breath holes in the ice. While out of the water, seals are generally inactive and docile. Approach adults stealthily from the rear and kill using a club, harpoon, or homemade spear to the skull.

6. Make fuel from seal blubber.
Cut blubber (fat) from the seal carcass and place in the best bowl you can fashion. Using an implement, pound the blubber until it liquefies. Roll a small piece of material into a wick, place it in the blubber, and light.

7. Roast or boil seal meat for food.

8. Burn moist seal skins to create smoky signal fires during the day.
However, your best chance of polar rescue is from land. Just because a ship can see you on an iceberg does not mean it can rescue you.

Be Aware

  • Small penguins are also good food source. Penguins have most of their strength in their flippers, however, so avoid by being bashed by a flipper when hunting by approaching from the rear and pinning wings to the sides. Avoid attacking from the front or you risk being badly "beaked".
  • In antarctica, which is a frozen landmass surrounded by ice, icebergs tend to drift in a clockwise pattern around the South Pole, pushed by the circumpolar current. An iceberg may eventually pass a populated weather station or move into a shipping channel. (Weather and research stations may be located hundres of miles apart in polar regions). In the Arctic, which is a frozen sea, the currents also move clockwise, east to west, around the polar ice cap. However, the transpolar drift, a current that carries water and ice eastward from Siberia, may bring an iceberg down the east coast of Greenland into more populated areas. The trip from the edge of the Arctic may take several months

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Real T- 'T' Shirts...

Are shirts designed after the letter 'T' in 5 popular fonts: Helvetica, Caslon, Baskerville, Courier and Copper Black. Strangely, none of these fonts other than Courier are useable fonts in Blogger. Well, you get the idea anyway.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Victoria Secret

New Animals to the Endangered Species List

These photos were collected from BBC's Earth News. Click for larger images.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I just realized today, reading BBC's article New York Museum to Return King Tut Artefact to Eygpt that the British spell artifact as artefact. That's cool, I guess.. But it sure does look funny!

Speaking of funny, here is a great blog with hilarious articles (British...artecles? lol, just kidding) that make me giggle!

It's called Hyperbole and a Half. In fact, somewhat related to my post (but much more entertaining, I swear) is Allie's post on the Alot.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Living the 7 Habits, by Stephen Covey

Here's a story from Covey's novel.

Silence is Golden
Notice how the father in this story sincerely empathizes with his daughter and, without pressing her or making her feel guilty, reflected her desire to not communicate.

A year or so ago, my daughter, Nell, and I had fallen into a troubling routine.
She would come home after school and I would ask her how she was doing and she would say, "Fine." That was it. I could only get one or two words out of her. It had become a daily routine of non-communication. By asking her questions each day when she got home it seemed like I was only exacerbating the tension.

I remember reading once that one way to deal with someone who does not want to communicate is to break the routine. So one day when Nell came home I asked her how she was doing. But when she gave me the standard one-word response before heading to her bedroom, I said, "You don't want to talk to me, do you?"

She stopped instantly, gave me a strange look, and said, "no" and went to her room. That was the end of it, but I knew I had touched her feelings.

The next day, I repeated the new routine. This time when I said she didn't want to talk to me, Nell said, "Not right now, Dad."

This went on for a few days before slowly, and on her own terms, Nell began talking more to me. Then one day I was sitting at the kitchen table thinking about something, in sort of a trance, while she was doing the dishes. I was quiet, not talking to her even though she was just a few feet away, and it must have bothered her that I wasn't asking her questions as usual. All of a sudden she started talking about her day and she brought me out of my trance. It struck me that suddenly she was sharing her feelings with me and it was so wonderful I got tears in my eyes.
Sometimes I think the most valuable tool for communication with teenagers is silence.

What would happen if you went into a forest to hunt and began by firing a shot in the air? That's often what asking questions is like; sometimes questions are so autobiographical and controlling that people simply don't want to talk about their deeper or most vulnerable issues. The key is to go into the forest and be quiet; then animals will begin to appear. The same thing happens when you go to a beach. Waling back and forth you won't see the sand crabs, but if you sit there on the beach quietly, soon they will appear all over the place.

Teenagers want to talk -- they really do. They want to open up, but the want to feel that it is safe. They want to it on their terms and on their time and parents must simply have the patience to allow this -- to be present, to be available, to be accessible, and to be quiet. We have two ears and one mouth and we should use them accordingly. Interestingly, the ears never close, but the mouth can.

In my own life with my teenage children, I have found that if I am simply present, doing no particular thing, but just kind of being attentive and aware, within a few minutes they begin to open up. Silence is truly golden.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What to do?

This is from a book (What to Do When No One Has a Clue).

Is a guy who lets a woman pay her own way on a date a modern man... or just cheap?
"He's a cheap loser. No self-respecting man, poor or rich, will let a woman pay. It's emasculating. His biology says that he takes care of her. If he thinks he's going to let her pick up the tab, he better just cut off his penis because he's a sexual eunuch. Bring me a feminist and she's either married to a gay man or she's single." -- Patti Stranger, star of the Bravo TV series The Millionaire Matchmaker and author of become Your Own Matchmaker

A guy who is financially withholding is going to be emotionally withholding as well." -- Jerilyn Kronen, PhD, a psychotherapist who counsels couples

Is it okay to blog about the person you are dating?
"Blogging about your date is the virtual equivalent of getting a tattoo with his or her name. It might seem like a great idea when you're happy and in the first blush of love. But even the most perfect relationship has moments of tension. In those less than happy times, the last thing you want to do is read about your partner on the Internet. Unlike a tattoo, things on the Web have a habit of staying there permanently." -- Blogger Cherie Burbach, the "Dating" feature writer of suite101.com (she met her husband online) and the author of Internet Dating Is Not Like Ordering a Pizza

Revenge of the Introvert: How to Thrive in an Extroverted World

Here is an article from the Psychology Today magazines that I typed out (so there may be some typos). All rights belong to the original writer, and Psychology Today.

There are as many introverts as extrovert, but you'd never know it by looking around. Introverts would rather be entertained by what's going on in their heads than by seeking happiness. Their big challenge is not to feel like outsiders in their own culture. By Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D.

After ten years as a psychologist practicing in psychodynamic psychotherapy, I reclined on the couch of my own analyst feeling burdened by my chosen work. After a day of seeing patients, I was drained. I had been trained to listen at many levels - words, emotions, unconscious disclosures - and I took all of that in and sorted it out in my mind. I was good at helping others discover and pursue what they wanted out of life. But at a day's end I had no resources left to do it for myself.

Then I heard myself say: "I don't like being a therapist." Pause. "I never have." I loved the study of psychology. I didn't love seeing patient after patient. I was perpetually overstimulated, busy decoding everything I took in. Plus, I wondered why I couldn't tolerate the large caseloads my colleagues took on willingly.

Suddenly I felt free, loosed from expectations that never fit. And just as suddenly, I felt I could say no to the demands of others. I could even say no to being a therapist.

As a card-carrying introvert, I am one of the many people whose personality confers on them a preference for the inner world of their own mind rather than the outer world of sociability. Depleted by too much external stimulation, w thrive on reflection and solitude. Our psychic opposites, extroverts, prefer schmoozing and social life because such activities boost their mood. They get bored by too much solitude.

Over the past 2 decades, scientists have whittled down to five those clusters of cognitions, emotions, motivations and behaviours that we mean by "personality factors". Extroversion, and by inference introversion is chief among them, along with neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness - pschology's so called - big five. Although introverts and extroverts may seem like they come from different planets, they exist on a continuous dimension that is normally distributed. There are a few extremely extroverted folk and a few extreme introverts, while most of us share some extrovert and some introvert traits.

Although there is no precise dividing line, there are plenty of introverts around. It's just that perceptual biases lead us all to overestimate the number of extroverts among us (they are noisier and hog the spotlight). Often confused with shyness, introversion does not imply social reticence or discomfort. Rather than being averse to social engagement, introverts become overwhelmed by too much of it, which explains why the introvert is ready to leave a party after an hour and the extrovert gains steam as the night goes on.

Scientist now know that while introverts have no special advantage in intelligence, they do seem to process more information than others in any given situation. To digest it, they do best in quiet environments, interacting one on one. Further, their brains are less dependent on external stimuli and rewards to feel good.

As a result, introverts are not driven to seek big hits of positive emotional arousal - they'd rather find meaning than bliss - making them relatively immune to the search for happiness that permeates contemporary American culture. In fact, the cultural emphasis on happiness may actually threaten their mental health. As American life becomes increasingly competitive and aggressive, to say nothing of blindingly fast, the pressures to produce on demand, be a team player, and make snap decisions cut introverts off from their inner power source, leaving them stressed and depleted. Introverts today face one over-arching challenge - not to feel like misfits in their own culture.

Introversion in Action

On the surface, introversion looks a lot like shyness. Both limit social interaction, but for differing reasons. The shy want desperately to connect but find socializing difficult, says Bernardo J. Carducci, professor of psychology and director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast. Introverts seek time alone because they want time alone. An introvert and a shy person might be standing against the wall at a party, but the introvert prefers to be there, while the shy individual feels she has no choice.

Introverts don't necessarily hide. Beth Wheatley is very much in the public eye as director of public relations for The Nature Conservancy. Yet she scores squarely as an introvert on personality tests. She was led to her work by her love of nature. She runs daily, not for the physical exercise, but because running allows her time to think through the events of her day. She prefers talking with one person at a time. She usually opts out of after-work social events. "My number 1 strategy is to stay under the radar screen. I stand next to a wall and put an invisible barrier around me so that I'm not bombarded and can think about my next move," she confides.

It's often possible to spot introverts by their conversational style. They're the ones doing the listening. Extroverts are more likely to pepper people with questions. Introverts like to think before responding - many prefer to think out what they want to say in advance - and seek facts before expressing opinions. Extroverts are comfortable thinking as they speak. Introverts prefer slow-paced interactions that allow room for thought. Brainstorming does not work for them. Email does.

Introverts are collectors of thoughts, and solitude is where the collection is curated and rearranged to make sense of the present and future. Introverts can tolerate - and enjoy - projects that require long stretches of solitary activity. Extroverts often have to discipline themselves for bouts of solitary work, and then they prefer frequent social breaks.

While extroverts spend more time overall in social activity than introverts do, the two groups do not differ significantly on time spent with family members, romantic partners, or coworkers. Moreover, extroverts and introvert both report a mood boost from the company of others. For introverts however, the boost may come at a cost. Researchers have found that introverts who act extroverted show slower reaction times on subsequent cognitive tests that those allowed to act introverted. Their cognitive fatigue testifies to the fact that "acting counter dispositionally is depleting."

Too Fast, Too Loud, Too Much
Like individuals, cultures have different styles. America is a noisy culture, unlike say, Finland which values silence. Individualism, dominant in the US, Germany, promotes the direct fast-paced style of communication associated with extroversion. Collectivist societies such as those in East Asia, value privacy and restraint, qualities more characteristic of introverts.

According to the Myer's Brigg Type Indicator personality test administered to two randomized national samples, introverts make up 50% of the US population. The MBTI definition of introversion - a preference for solitude, reflection, internal exploration of ideas vs. active engagement and pursuit of rewards in the external/social world - correlates closely with the Big Five description. But the results still surprise; if every other person is an introvert, why doesn't the cultural tone reflect that?

It's not just that we overestimate the numbers of extroverts in our midst because they're more salient. The bias of individuals is reinforced in the media, which emphasize the visual, the talkative, and the sound bite - immediacy over reflection.

"In verbal cultures, remaining silent presents a problem," report Anio sallinen-Kuparinen, James McCroskey, and Virginia Richmond, who have studied communication styles in the US, and Finland. Perceptions of competence tend to be based on verbal behaviour. An introvert who is silent in a group may be actually quite engaged - taking in what is said, thinking about it, waiting for a turn to speak - but will be seen in the US as a poor communicator.

When psychologists Catherian Caldwell-Harris and Ayse Ayciegi compared US and Turkish samples, they found that having "an orientation inconsistent with societal values" is a risk factor for poor mental health. The findings support what the researchers call the personality-culture clash hypothesis: "Psychological adjustment depends on the degree of match between personality and the values of surrounding society." To the extent that introverts feed the need to explain, apologize or feel guilty about what works best for them, they feel alienated not only from society, but from themselves.

Enough Stimulation Already!
Solitude, quite literally, allows introverts to hear themselves think. In a classic series of studies, researchers mapped brain electrical activity in introverts and extroverts. The introverts all had higher levels of electrical activity - indicating reater cortical arousal - whether in a resting state or engaged in challenging cognitive tasks. The researchers proposed that given their higher level of brain activity and reactivity, introverts limit input from the environment in order to maintain an optimal level of arousal. Extroverts, on the other hand, seek out external stimulation to get their brain juices flowing.

Neuroimaging studies measuring cerebral blood flow reveal that among introverts, the activation is centered in the frontal cortex, responsible for remembering, planning, decision making, and problem solving - the kinds of activities that require inward focus and attention. Introverts' brains also show increased blood flow in the Broca's area, a region associated with speech production - likely reflecting the capacity for self-talk.

But extensive internal dialogue, especially in response to negative experiences can set off a downward spiral of affect. And indeed anxiety and depression are more common among introverts than extroverts. In general, says Rovert McPeek, director of research at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type, introverts are more self-critical than others, but also more realistic in their self-assessments. Call it depressive realism.

The biological difference between introverts and extroverts is more evident in the way they respond to external stimulation. "The levels of stimulation extroverts find rewarding can be overwhelming or annoying for introverts," He cites studies showing that, when learning introverts do best in quiet conditions and extroverts do better with more noise.

DeYoung traces the differences to brain sensitivity to rewards and positive emotions, which is orchestrated by the neurotransmitter dopamine. In fact, introverts and extroverts can be distinguished by differences in size of brain structures responsible for sensitivity to rewards, such as medial orbitofrontal cortex, which codes the reward values of incoming stimuli.

The dopamine-driven search for rewards shows up in characteristics extroverts behaviours such as talkativeness, assertiveness and enthusiasm. Notes DeYoung: Such behaviours are reinforced in American society, where "there certainly seems to be a cult of extroversion."

To Hell with happiness
In the US, people rank happiness as their most important goal. That view has a special impact on introvert. happiness is not always their top priority; they don't need external rewards to keep their brains in high gear. In fact, the pursuit of happiness may represent another personality-culture clash for them.

In a series of studies in which subjects were presented with an effortful task such as taking a test, thinking rationally, or giving a speech, introverts did not choose to invoke happy feelings, reports psychologist Maya Tamir. They preferred to maintain a neutral emotional state. happiness, an arousing emotion may be distracting for introverts during tasks. By contrast, extroverts reported to prefer to feel "happy", "up" or "enthusiastic" and to recall happy memories while approaching or completing tasks.

At this year's meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tamire along with Iris presented a paper entitled, "Come on, Get Happy: The Ironic Effects of the Pursuit of Happiness." The 2 did not specifically study introverts or extroverts. What they discovered is that for all people, the pressure to be happy actually reduces happiness.

"We found that when we prime people to value happiness more, they become more unhappy and depressed Our findings offer an intriguing explanation for the vexing paradox that even in the face of objectively postive life circumstances, nations generally do not because happier."

the priming effect seen in the study parallels the social priming introverts experience in everyday life. Although introverts like pursuing frontal cortex functions associated with the exploration f mean, "There are cultural pressures that could make one feel guilty for not wanting to be as happy as the culture dictates," says Tamir. As a result, introverts are hit with a double whammy - feeling less happy, then feeling guilty and inadequate for feeling that way.

With a biological makeup that enables them to see positive emotional stimuli as a distraction when they are focused on another task, introverts are good at resisting all distraction Using functional brain imaging Stanford biopsyhcologist Brian Haas measured the reaction time for introverts and extroverts when they tried to identify color in which an emotionally proactive word was printed. Introverts proved more able to focus on the task of colour identification while disregarding the emotional content and had significantly better reaction times. Concludes Haas: Introverts, who exhibit a higher resting state of arousal, "don't need the same kind of outside entertainment."

Inner Life to External Success

Award-winning Los Angeles architect John Bertram identifies himself as an introvert. "I enjoy solitary activities or those with few people. I am not a joiner and do not meet new people nor make friends easily. I have trouble making small talk. I have never played on a sports team, joined a club or gotten in a fight." But, he admits, it's not easy being an introvert in L.A.

"Los Angeles, like New York, is full of type A people who success depends upon their coercive powers and being comfortable with aggression and conflict. Unless I am careful I can easily be manipulated and coerced."

Betram loves researching, designing, drawing, and producing specifications. "In the practice of architecture, one is rarely called on to develop ideas or solutions on the spot. Conflicts and challenges that arise can typically be dealt with in private at my leisure. I liken it to the difference between speaking extemporaneously and speaking from a prepared text. The former tends to leave me hopelessly confused because I find it difficult to think on my feet and under pressure. I am the person who thinks of a witty retort minutes or hours after the situation has passed."

Many introverts require a wake-up call to see the effects of cultural extroversion on their lives and to become more fully themselves. Some speak of a defining moment that crystallizes what they already know about themselves. PT Blogger Nancy Anowitz was working on Wall St. as a marketing manager with a top financial organization. "The culture included back-to-back meetings, many lasting several hours," she recalls. The common approach was to "shout it out, say it again, say it louder - to use verbal sharp elbows to get a point across."

Then the company gave everyone in her department the MBTI. One look at the results helped explain the stress she was feeling. I tend to think first before I share my ideas. Check. I get tired by attending meeting after meeting. Check. I like to dive deeply into topics. Check. Hardest was feeling judged - and judging herself - for how she was wired. Others would nudge her: "Just say what you think." Being reflective was not appreciated or encouraged.

Anowitz is no longer attending serial meetings. She works for herself as a business communication coach. "I know everything that's coming - no surprises. She frequently gives speeches. "I craft my message in advance, and it's a very efficient use of my energy." She gets up, presents her material to a large group of people, then goes home to take a nap.

Anowitz is the author of Self-Promotion for Introverts, in which she shares what she learned as an introvert in the business world. "Since visibility is often crucial to getting ahead, my goal in writing the book was to help introverts get the same opportunities, promotions, and raises they desire. We can do that by using intelligence on the Web, reading, writing, and listening attentively - activities that extroverts have less patience for."

As for me, after that pivotal session with my analyst, I started moving in a new direction - which really turned out to be an old direction. I had been writing since I was a child, but I have never explored the possibility of doing it professionally. Five books later, I sometimes feel like the transcriber: I've already written the book in my head. And I teach small-group seminars to help people find the book inside.

While my therapy skills are primarily directed at books, my psychology practice continues to thrive. I have exactly two patients. I've finally discovered the perfect caseload.

Crossed Signals "X" and "I" in Dialogue
Conversation between an introvert and an extrovert can involve a series of mis-understandings. As the introvert struggles to follow multiple conversational threads and sort out his own thoughts, he remains quiet and appears to be just listening. The extrovert reads that as engagement, a cue to keep takling. The introvert struggles with the continuing flow of input and soon starts to shut out the extrovert, while nodding or smiling or even trying to stop the exchange.

Even a simple opener of "Hello, how are you? Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you about X," from anyone can challenge an introvert. rather than bypassing the first question or interrupting the flow to answer it, the introvert holds onto the question: Hmm, how am I? (An internal dialogue begins which the introvert "hears" herself talking internally as the other person speaks.)

Even if the introvert responds, "I'm good," she's probably still reflecting on how she is: Good? That's not quite right. I really have had a pretty crummy day, but there isn't a quick way to explain that. She wants to first work out privately her thoughts and judgment about the day. She also may evaluate the question itself: I hate that so often we just say "good" because that's the convention. The other person doesn't really want to know. She may even activate memories of how the question has struck her in the past.

While the introvert is evaluating the question on at least 2 levels (how she is feeling and what she thinks about the question, perhaps also what this says about our society), the speaker is already moving on to sharing something about his day. The introvert must take the incoming message from the speaker and tuck it into working memory until she can get to it, while more information keeps flowing in that demands tracking, sorting, searching, and critical analysis.

The cognitive load becomes increasingly difficult to manage, as the internal talk competes with the external conversation. More over, while trying to keep the conversation going, introverts may miss social cues, which can make them appear socially inept. The conversation is also anxiety-provoking, because the introvert feels she has too little time to share a complete thought. She hungers to pull away and give time to the thoughts her brain has generated.

What not to say to an Introvert
Introverts, those quiet creatures that walk among you, are not as mild-mannered as made out to be. They seethe and even lash out at those who encroach upon or malign their personal comfort zones. Here are a few emotional buttons to avoid with your introverted companions.

  • "Why don't you like parties? Don't you like people?" is a common remark introverts hear says Marti Laney, a psychologist and author of The Introvert Advantage. "Usually we like people fine," she insists. "We just like them in small doses." Cocktail parties can be deadly. "We're social, but it's a different type of socializing"
  • "Surprise we've decided to bring the family and stay with you for the weekend". Anyone anywhere on the -vert spectrum could find such a declaration objectionable, but it's more likely to bring an introvert to a boil, according to Nancy Anocowitz. Introverts count on their downtime to rejuvenate their resources; and extended presence in their homes robs them of that respite.
  • Don't demand immediate feedback from an introvert. "extroverts think we have answers but just aren't giving them" Laney says. "They don't understand that we need time to formulate them" and often won't talk until a thought is suitably polished.
  • Don't ask introverts why they're not contributing to meetings. If you're holding a brainstorming session, let the introvert prepare or encourage him to follow up with his contributions afterward.
  • Don't interrupt if an introvert does get to talking. Listen closely. "Being overlooked is a really big issue for introverts," Laney says. Introverts are unlikely to repeat themselves; they will not risk making the same mistake twice.
  • Above all, "We hate people telling us how we can be more extroverted, as if that's the desired state," says Beth gbuelow, a life and leadership coach for introverts. Many introverts are happy with the way they are. And if you're not, that's your problem.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama in the White House at an official meet with President Obama - one of the first photos like this ever taken inside the White House. This photo takes care not to include specific symbols of the White House.

Of course, the Dalai Lama was wearing his flip-flops.

Photo by BBC.

"China, which sent troops into Tibet in 1950 but has long claimed it as its own, considers the Dalai Lama a separatist. Beijing tries to isolate the spiritual leader by asking foreign leaders not to see him.

The Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule and has since been living in India.

The Dalai Lama has met every sitting US president since 1991, with each visit drawing Chinese ire.

But George W Bush's meeting with the Dalai Lama in 2007 was the first time a sitting US president had appeared in public with the exiled Tibetan leader." - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8523319.stm